HYPEBEAST Eats... Manischewitz Braised Short Ribs of Sons of Essex

HYPEBEAST Eats... Manischewitz Braised Short Ribs of Sons of Essex

Having previously taken a look at Director of Operations James Choung’s necessities as a part of our Essentials series, Lower East Side dining establishment Sons of Essex presents an inside look at the creation of its Manischewitz Braised Short Ribs for the latest installment of HYPEBEAST Eats.

HYPEBEAST Eats… Chopped 21st Century Egg White and Truffle with Chargrilled Asparagus by Shane Osborn of ST BETTY

HYPEBEAST Eats… Chopped 21st Century Egg White and Truffle with Chargrilled Asparagus by Shane Osborn of ST BETTY

Having already given us a look into his culinary tools of trade,  Shane Osborn of  ST

HYPEBEAST Eats... Fried Chicken Waffle Sandwich by The Iron Press

HYPEBEAST Eats... Fried Chicken Waffle Sandwich by The Iron Press

The scientific theory that proclaims ‘opposites attract’ surely holds true in more realms than just Earth’s universal laws of physics. In desperate times, the taboo pairing of two unacquainted items can result in an awakening, life-altering experience. Just ask any stoner preparing a late night snack with little to no cooking skills and a keen imagination. Possibly the best example to an unusual pairing of dishes can be seen in the American diner favorite, chicken and waffles. The combination of a soft, sweet waffle and a crispy, savory piece of fried chicken adjoins two time specific meals, breakfast and dinner, that are still sanctioned by outdated etiquette. Although this succulent meal’s origin is difficult to pinpoint, it was likely made famous during the height of the New York jazz scene at the first half of the 20th century. Musicians like Miles Davis and Thelonius Monk would order chicken and waffles at breakfast to make up for the dinner that was missed the night before while jamming at a local club. The addition of a waffle not only satisfied a breakfast requirement but it also served as a replacement to the warm piece of bread that usually accompanied the golden, soul food favorite. Taking this rarely offered comfort dish to new heights, California-based restaurant The Iron Press, known for taking conventional sandwiches and replacing the bread with a buttery waffle, presents a unique take on the jazz era favorite. Focused on dishing out fresh ingredients from the local community, The Iron Press Fried Chicken Waffle Sandwich consists of a slowly marinated, fried chicken breast topped with coleslaw, then placed in between a scrumptious waffle and served with jalapeno maple syrup. Advancing our popular HYPEBEAST Eats… series, the Carnegie Deli of the waffle press showcases the process behind creating its best selling dish.

HYPEBEAST Eats... Oxtail Fried Rice by Blue Ribbon Sushi Bar and Grill Las Vegas

HYPEBEAST Eats... Oxtail Fried Rice by Blue Ribbon Sushi Bar and Grill Las Vegas

Renowned for ushering in an era of fine dining where reservations are unheard of and the menu offers unique concoctions of familiar and fine foods with ethnic influences, Blue Ribbon and its collection of restaurants continue to push boundaries with simple yet innovative takes on traditional dishes. Their latest eatery, the Blue Ribbon Sushi Bar & Grill Las Vegas at the ultra-chic resort Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas, was conceived in 2010 to bring Blue Ribbon’s trademark lavish array of dramatically prepared and presented sushi and signature dishes that include beef marrow bones, fried chicken with wasabi honey, and bone-in rib steak to the Las Vegas strip. In continuing our well-received series HYPEBEAST Eats… the contemporary restaurant details the process behind creating a patron favorite, the rich and flavorful Oxtail Fried Rice. Consisting of complimenting tastes and textures, this sticky rice dish topped with a bone marrow omelet embodies Blue Ribbon’s unconventional yet calculated essence. Be sure to check out this meal and the rest of the globally inspired menu at Blue Ribbon Sushi Bar and Grill Las Vegas on your next visit to sin city.

HYPEBEAST Eats... Marinated Scallops with Watercress and Wasabi by Chez Patrick Deli

HYPEBEAST Eats... Marinated Scallops with Watercress and Wasabi by Chez Patrick Deli

Bringing French authenticity to the streets of Hong Kong, Chef Patrick Goubier has firmly established himself amongst the French expat community and locals alike as a genuine name for French cuisine – an often misled genre with a myriad of so-called French restaurants that fall short of the real thing. With both a restaurant and deli under his apron straps (both named appropriately after the maestro himself) Chef Patrick has adapted and elevated many dishes to the refined palate of Hong Kong whilst maintaining an aforementioned authenticity in taste and flare. One such recipe is his Marinated Scallops with Watercress and Wasabi, a dish that sums up the shores of Brittany, yet introduces an Asian twist with the use of wasabi, topped with fresh raspberries to balance the acidity with sweetness. Simple, fresh and elegant, this dish is perfect for the summer, and is an example of the quality and ingenuity that Chef Patrick brings to his Chez Patrick Restaurant that’s well worth the visit for a change from soft baguettes to foie gras on rice.

HYPEBEAST Eats... I.S.B. International Stussy Burger
Food & Beverage Fashion

HYPEBEAST Eats... I.S.B. International Stussy Burger

Stussy certainly is no stranger to collaborative ventures. However, at the start of the month, Stussy embarked on their first ever food-based collabo as they linked with fellow Californian outfit Plan Check. The outcome was a specially created menu with the International Stussy Burger I.S.B. presented as the flagship sandwich for the month-long venture.

HYPEBEAST Eats... Porchetta Sandwich by Meat & Bread
Food & Beverage

HYPEBEAST Eats... Porchetta Sandwich by Meat & Bread

Situated in Vancouver’s emergent Gastown district, Meat & Bread is a specialty sandwich shop that opened its doors in 2010. Only slightly more striking than the shop’s location bordering the notorious downtown east-side is its distinctive and genuine interior aesthetic. Clever branding mixed with a rustic yet inviting style has allowed Meat & Bread to easily stand out amongst other eateries in the area. One of the shop’s signature dishes is a hearty porchetta sandwich. Frankie and the guys behind the counter were nice enough to give us a tutorial on how to make this dish and even a taste!

HYPEBEAST Eats... Tuna Melt by The Library Cafe
Food & Beverage

HYPEBEAST Eats... Tuna Melt by The Library Cafe

In this edition of HYPEBEAST Eats, we are back in Hong Kong – or “Gourmet Paradise” – to bring you a special rendition of the tuna melt. Giving us the play-by-play on how to set up and prepare this delectable meal is chef Mai Chow from Lane Crawford Tsim Sha Tsui’s The Library Cafe (as well as Yardbird).

HYPEBEAST Eats... Samgyeopsal Sliders by TomEatsJenCooks
Food & Beverage

HYPEBEAST Eats... Samgyeopsal Sliders by TomEatsJenCooks

Samgyeopsal is pretty common on Korean BBQ menus. It’s basically thick pieces of uncured pork belly. Slap it on the grill and cut it into strips, and then wrap it in a leaf and eat. I was inspired to make these mini samgyeopsal sliders with kimchi jam.

HYPEBEAST Eats… Açaí Bowls by Tiffany Tanaka of Fresh Cafe
Food & Beverage

HYPEBEAST Eats… Açaí Bowls by Tiffany Tanaka of Fresh Cafe

Brazil has exported some amazing things over the last several decades. The army-less nation will soon be shipping tankers of oil around the globe by the time it hosts the 2016 Olympic Games. But for most of us, the best stuff has been a bit less official, like glitter-covered shaking butts, Giselle, the slow-mo fight scene in Only the Strong, and that psychotic child drug dealer from City of God. Açaí bowls, essentially smoothies made from fruit of the South American açaí palm with attractive layers of fruit, are here to stay. This is the lunch of choice for folks looking for an excuse to eat something ice-cream-ish for breakfast or lunch. The best place to enjoy this healthy yet delectable delight is Fresh Cafe in Honolulu, Hawaii. Run by the always chippy Tiffany Tanaka, Fresh Cafe is a champion for local business and an gathering place for creatives in music, art, and cuisine. The cafe is integrally connected to Loft in Space, which is located in the back warehouse and has exhibited the likes of KRINK, Patrick Martinez, and is also home to the upcoming POW WOW Hawai’i.

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