'Overwatch 2' Goes Free-to-Play and Removes Loot Boxes
A release date has been set for October.
Blizzard has now confirmed during its reveal event that Overwatch 2 will go free-to-play when it releases this October. Aside from being a completely free title, the video game developer has finally decided to remove loot boxes, instead opting for what it calls “an all-new and consistently updated in-game shop” where you’ll be able to buy everything from skins to emotes to sprays. There’ll also be optional paid Battle Passes which give players access to “new content including new heroes, game modes, maps, cosmetics, and more.”
To create a more exciting experience for players, Blizzard will continue to update and support the game with new content, and it has now teased more characters to come on top of Sojourn, which was introduced earlier during the game’s first closed beta. Season one will also see the addition of hybrid character Junker Queen as well as a third yet-to-be-announced hero along with six maps, more than 30 skins, and an extra game mode. Season two will then introduce a brand new tank character, an additional map, and another 30 skins, one of which will be Mythic tiered.
Now slated for release on October 4, Overwatch 2 will be available on the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.
In other related news, the studio’s Rod Fergusson insists Diablo IV won’t be monetized the way Diablo Immortal has been.