AllRightsReserved and Yusuke Hanai Reunite for Two Bold Sculptures

AllRightsReserved has tapped artist Yusuke Hanai once again for a new version of his sculptural piece DOWN BUT NOT OUT, first introduced in August, as well as a new piece called WE WILL FLY AGAIN.
DOWN BUT NOT OUT depicts a man sitting hunched over with a frazzled expression. Hanai’s artwork acknowledges the “failures” and “hardships” one faces in their lives but emphasizes the importance of getting back on one’s feet and trying again: “life must go on. Take a break, then Get up and Move Forward.”
The new version of DOWN BUT NOT OUT is roughly eight inches smaller than the first sculpture released back in August, but none of the details have changed: a character with a black baseball cap in a white T-shirt and black pants holding a bottle. He appears to be sitting on an Artek Stool 60, but that can be swapped out for a shelf or ledge. WE WILL FLY AGAIN expresses a similarly hopeful sentiment. The character is seen holding up a bird, this time with a slightly different expression and changed clothes. Both sculptures are 11 inches tall.
DOWN BUT NOT OUT and WE WILL FLY AGAIN are currently available for raffle on DDT Store’s website for $6,280 HKD and $7,065 HKD (approximately $810 USD and $911 USD), respectively — the former will be limited to 250 piece, while the latter will have a run of just 150 pieces.
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In case you missed it, Rokkaku Ayako and AllRightsReserved have linked up once again for a handcrafted Tea Set.