Lil Yachty: "I Honestly Couldn't Name Five Songs By Tupac & Biggie"
Yachtyveli stays woke.

Lil Yachty has always been open the fact that he doesn’t care too much for old-school or classic hip hop, and in a new interview with Billboard, the Atlanta rapper on-the-rise admits that he “honestly couldn’t name five songs” by either Tupac or The Notorious B.I.G. Yachty goes on to fend off haters, saying, “if I’m doing this my way and making all this money, why should I do it how everybody says it’s supposed to be done?” the opinionated rapper has also been open about his distaste for serious hip hop, revealing in a studio interview with TIDAL that all of it is “boring” and puts him to “sleep.” Yachty rounds out the Billboard interview by stressing his importance as a representative for the younger generation of hip hop artists and fans, concluding, “I’ve found myself. I’m like the youth’s big brother now. I have to be that voice for them.” Read the full Billboard feature here.