HBX and Harbour City Undertake a Global BE@RBRICK Charity Sale
Comprised of 37 models with proceeds going to the Hong Kong Blood Cancer Foundation.

Since the very first figure dropped in 2001, BE@RBRICKs have garnered much attention not only from the avid toy collector but from those intrigued by eccentric design. Converging such forums as collectibles, toys and art, these MediCom bears over the years have steadily gained traction finding its way into homes, art studios and television, not to mention having shown in countless galleries worldwide. So much more than just a passing fad, BE@RBRICKs have proven its worth as a viable resell market investment with many acquiring price tags crossing well north of the thousand USD dollar range.
In collaboration with Harbour City and the Hong Kong Blood Cancer Foundation, the HBX team are in the process of organizing a global charity sale putting up 37 different 2000% BE@RBRICK figures up for grabs. Touching on the realms of fashion and contemporary art, the toy bears receive unique design treatment as commissioned from some of the industry’s most prevalent designers. Priced at $68,000 HKD, (approximately $ 8, 765 USD) net proceeds from sales will be directed towards the Hong Kong Blood Cancer Foundation. The sale is on now and runs until October 16. Head to HBX for the collection.