8 Disciplines of Flight Converge Over Moab for Red Bull's "Chain Reaction"
Eight aerial disciplines in one continuous sequence.
Red Bull’s Air Force descended upon Moab last year to create one of its most daring feats yet. The result of over six months of careful research, “Chain Reaction” seamlessly melds eight different disciplines in a single sequence as skydivers/high-speed parachute flyers Jeff Provenzano and Luke Aikins; wingsuit pilots Jon DeVore, Mike Swanson and Andy Farrington; BASE jumpers Miles Daisher and Charles Bryan; aerobatic plane pilot Kirby Chambliss; and a Rhys Millen-driven Audi RS 7 all interact with the help of some coordination from Sean MacCormac. A self-described “dream project,” the epic “Chain Reaction” can be seen above while a behind-the-scenes look at the feat can be seen over at Red Bull’s website.