This Is the Last Factory on Earth That Makes Cassette Tapes
They still make cassette tapes…?
Be honest, when was the last time you copped a cassette tape? 1993? Well, this factory believes the analog revolution is among us, and the cassette tape shall live on. National Audio Company based in Springfield, Missouri is the last factory in existence that still produces our beloved cassettes. While the business is obviously not what it used to be, president Steven Stepp and co. explain that there is still a huge subculture of fans that turn to the analog “warmth” and character. To much surprise, even in 2015, clients are still longing for its nostalgic feel, such as the producers of Guardians of the Galaxy and even heavy metal band Metallica. Check out the video above and be sure to dig out your old mixtapes from the closet the next time you hit up mom’s house.