Oi Polloi 'Pica-Post' Zine Issue 9 "Odds, Sods ‘n’ Fishing Rods"
Oi Polloi’s biannual print zine is back for its ninth issue.

Oi Polloi has just released its ninth Pica-Post zine, a biannual print that encompasses a range of topics and interviews. This ninth issue is entitled “Odds, Sods ‘n’ Fishing Rods,” and includes an interview with David Patrick Kelly, an in-depth look at selvedge denim’s legacy, an editorial on lifestyle fishing and much more. Rounding off this fishing-themed zine is an exclusive photoshoot of Oi Polloi’s collaboration with Reebok as well as features on Mephisto and more. The issue is available at Oi Polloi’s Manchester and Soho shops, and will accompany all online orders while stocks last.