Minecraft's Markus Persson Reveals the Downside of Success
Does money really make you happy? Markus Persson sets the record straight.

Almost one year ago, Microsoft acquired the Minecraft and Mojang franchise for an astonishing $2.5 billion USD which led to founders Markus Persson, Carl Mranneh and Jakbok Porser leaving the company they worked so hard to create. Yesterday, Markus Persson took to Twitter to voice his concerns and the underlying problems brought about by such success. With tweets such as “People who made sudden success are telling me this is normal and will pass. That’s good to know! I guess I’ll take a shower then!” confirming that acquiring billions of dollars will not make you happier. View the series of tweets below and head directly to his handle for more information.
The problem with getting everything is you run out of reasons to keep trying, and human interaction becomes impossible due to imbalance.
— Markus Persson (@notch) August 29, 2015
Hanging out in ibiza with a bunch of friends and partying with famous people, able to do whatever I want, and I’ve never felt more isolated.
— Markus Persson (@notch) August 29, 2015
Found a great girl, but she’s afraid of me and my life style and went with a normal person instead.
— Markus Persson (@notch) August 29, 2015
I would Musk and try to save the world, but that just exposes me to the same type of assholes that made me sell minecraft again.
— Markus Persson (@notch) August 29, 2015
People who made sudden success are telling me this is normal and will pass. That’s good to know! I guess I’ll take a shower then!
— Markus Persson (@notch) August 29, 2015