Watch Danny Brown Go From Childhood Influences to Fave Jail Food Real Quick in his RBMA UK Tour Lecture
As a part of Red Bull Music Academy’s UK Tour, journalist Hattie Collins sat down with Danny Brown
As a part of Red Bull Music Academy’s UK Tour, journalist Hattie Collins sat down with Danny Brown in Glasglow. In the interview Brown spoke about the heavy influence of his house DJ father, Jack White and Wu Tang while he attributes his early childhood rhyming to Dr. Seuss. Later, he mentions how his playing trumpet in the grammar school band is so apparent in the way he raps now, “if people actual listen to me rap, it sounds a lot like a trumpet solo”. And as one would expect Danny Brown, we learn some wild things about him like he played with actions figures until he was in high school and the best food options in jail. Off his flow alone, you know what he can fit into two minutes, try these 80 with Hattie Collins.
Written by: Rae Witte