Mayweather vs. Pacquiao: It's Really Happening
In a bid to break the slightly mundane approach most media and advertising firms have adopted to
In a bid to break the slightly mundane approach most media and advertising firms have adopted to promote the upcoming Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao fight, Foot Locker has released a wholly satirical clip with Pacquiao as the driving force behind its humor. Poking fun at the fact Manny is not a native English speaker and utilizing his admirable innocence and humble attitude towards boxing as a muse, Foot Locker’s latest commercial comes as a relief to many. Albeit lacking somewhat of a purposeful direction apart from inevitably redirecting to their web store and hinting towards a prominent involvement in the sporting industry. Lightheartedly referencing an old Foot Locker commercial where Pacquiao found out a fight everyone wanted to see was finally happening, but in actuality it wasn’t — however now it is and Foot Locker has done well to redirect something relatively outdated by refreshing it with a sense of “serious humor” to ultimately bring awareness to the magnitude of such an event. Click here to read Part 1 of A Beginner’s Guide to Mayweather vs. Pacquiao.