LG Leaks Apple iMac With High-Resolution 8K Display
Apple is notoriously secretive about its upcoming products, even reportedly making suppliers take a

Apple is notoriously secretive about its upcoming products, even reportedly making suppliers take a $50 million USD oath of secrecy, which is why Korean tech company LG might soon be in hot water for letting the cat out of the bag regarding an upcoming display. In a leaked press release, the company’s display division references an iMac with an 8K screen that has been “announced” by the Cupertino-based tech giant. The only problem? Apple hasn’t announced anything of the sorts, meaning that LG might have revealed some information that was meant for internal use only. Apple already has a 27-inch 5K retina iMac with 5,120 x 2,880 pixels that is manufactured by LG, so news of an 8K doesn’t seem farfetched. However, LG has since taken down the post, so we’ll wait for official word on this from Apple before we get too excited.