World's Biggest Record Collection to Become Available to Public
After 40 years of extensive gathering and subsequent therapy, Zero Freitas has amassed 5 million

After 40 years of extensive gathering and subsequent therapy, Zero Freitas has amassed 5 million vinyl records to his name, possibly the largest collection in the world. In a recent interview with BBC, Freitas revealed his addictive past, starting with a collection of 3,000 in high school to 30,000 by the age of 30 and finally to his current stash at the ripe age of 61. With such a substantial body of collected works, Zero found himself wondering what he would do with it all. Fortunately enough for us his decision was certainly a noble one, turning his prized possessions into a public, non-profit library for all music lovers alike. Currently, the collection is being cataloged by nearly 500 interns per day, even though the purchases continue to pour in. No word on when this project will reach completion but you can be sure we will be keeping our eye on this. Watch the interview with BBC below.