A Chat With The Internet's Syd Tha Kyd at Camp Flog Gnaw 2015
When at Camp Flog Gnaw…

During this past Saturday’s Camp Flog Gnaw Carnival, amidst the crowds of teenagers and multiple ongoing performances, we accidentally found ourselves backstage where we spotted Los Angeles natives The Internet, fresh off their live set. The soul band’s lead singer Syd Tha Kyd was kind enough to sit down with us for a moment to share her thoughts on this year’s Carnival compared to its past events, what her fashion influences are, and what is worth listening to right now. Read the exclusive conversation below.
Tell me about this year’s Camp Flog Gnaw.
Oh, it was awesome. Every year gets better and this year was definitely the best one today. I think it’s a better layout for sure. Better…what’s it called?
Yeah, and a lot of great artists are on, like a lot of people I’m a fan of and friends with.
What’s your favorite fashion brand right now?
Probably Vans, I have a lot of Vans. They’re go to, man. You can wear them in almost any situation.
Who are you listening to right now?
I’m listening to What A Time To Be Alive. I’m listening to Bryson Tiller, he’s dope. I’m listening to Dornik, Unknown Immortal Orchestra. That’s about it.
Words & Interview: Alexander Lendrum
Photography: Kevin Lara