Justin Bieber's Ad Campaign Gained Calvin Klein Millions of Followers
Following the highly shared, already mocked and perhaps Photoshopped Justin Bieber for Calvin Klein

Following the highly shared, already mocked and perhaps Photoshopped Justin Bieber for Calvin Klein Underwear’s ad campaign, the label has reported that they gained over 3.6 million followers across its social media platforms. Undoubtedly generating a huge amount of talk and exposure, no one is benefiting more than Calvin Klein. In the mere 48 hours following the release of the campaign, the #mycalvins hashtag generated a staggering 1.6 million Twitter mentions. The brand is set to gain more exposure with Bieber scheduled for his own Comedy Central roast. This report undeniably affirms the effectiveness of web advertising and the power of social media for brands. Love him or hate him, the scantily-clad Bieber has done exactly what he was hired to do.