COS Shows You Where the Sounds for Clothing Ads Come From
Swedish fashion brand COS has released this quirky video of Dutch conceptual artists Lernert
Swedish fashion brand COS has released this quirky video of Dutch conceptual artists Lernert Engelberts and Sander Plug providing the sound effects for a fashion film using very creative means. Set against the backdrop of two models dressing themselves up in the latest collection by COS and directed by Fantastic Man co-founders Jop van Bennekom and Gert Jonkers, we see a plethora of household items used to create somewhat theatrical sound effects, which are entirely at odds with the stark, neutral aesthetic of the brand and its clothes. The concept was inspired by Foley artists, who were the creators of artificial sound effects incorporated into films and TV shows to enhance the viewing experience. Check out the video above to see and hear what they came up with.