Ghostface Killah Performs Surprise Gig at Toastface Grillah
In the past, numerous restaurateur’s have sort inspiration from famous celebrities in naming their

In the past, numerous restaurateur’s have sort inspiration from famous celebrities in naming their establishments. In some cases, the naming can help with branding and draw in fans alike but ever so rarely does it actually attract the celebrity in question. Currently in Australia promoting his solo album, 36 Seasons, Ghostface Killah of Wu-Tang Clan was informed of the Perth-based grilled cheese spot Toastface Grillah on radio station triple j. In hearing such news he commented “Oh, for real. I might gotta go there and take a picture or something. What they got in there? Toasted sandwiches, ok ok.” Little to be expected, the hip-hop veteran took to the back alley to perform Wu classics including “Wu-Tang Clan Ain’t Nuthing ta Fuck Wit” and “C.R.E.A.M” which can be peeped down below.