Taking the concept of retail to degrees we have never seen before, fashion and apparel retailer

Taking the concept of retail to degrees we have never seen before, fashion and apparel retailer SNEAKERBOY has changed the way in which consumers can interact with the very product they look to purchase. Despite offering physical storefronts, SNEAKERBOY houses no purchase inventory on-site, instead, the brand model aims to tap a new generation of luxury consumers by developing a pioneering retail model. It’s here that consumers are invited to sample, feel, try on and scan styles themselves; purchases are then ordered online via the SNEAKERBOY app or the in-store iPads. The brainchild of Chris Kyvetos, SNEAKERBOY looks to pave the way with this new and innovative digital retail concept to create the ultimate consumer engagement experience. Strategically placed off the beaten track in the central CBD, the store store is an architectural must-see. Inviting customers into its hidden cave via an impactful one-ton steel door, they are then transported to another world. The premium footwear offerings adorn the back wall, and it’s here that the sneakers are set upon back-lit steel shelves, each with their own customized LED strips detailing the product offering. Customers can then try on preferred styles seated in the store’s pod-like chairs that come complete with individual iPads where customers can use the technology to learn more about the product, order, or look through additional product offerings. Inspiration stems from making the online sphere a reality, where the concept “wanted to expose the inner workings, all the technology and the bunches of cables all strapped together with cable ties. We’re not trying to hide that, we’re trying to show the connection to the online world,” explains Kyvetos. The aesthetics then adhere to this philosophy in that if you walk between the shelvings, you’ll have the impression of walking through computer storage towers. Notwithstanding the iconic primary fonts during the early days of the computer, custom letterings in the OCR-A font further enhance this futuristic experience. Make sure to stop by the new storefront if you’re in Sydney and head over to SNEAKERBOY now to peruse the impressive array of offerings.
3 Temperance Lane (Off George St. Opposite Mid City)
New South Wales