Google Debuts the Hardware-Replaceable Modular Ara Prototype Phone
Phonebloks, the people behind the inception of the modular phone platform, have released a video
Phonebloks, the people behind the inception of the modular phone platform, have released a video showing where exactly Project Ara stands as of late, following Google‘s announcement of the second Project Ara Developers’ Conference in January 2015. In the video, we are taken on a tour of NK Labs in Boston who are building the Project Ara prototype, who give us a quick glimpse of the second “spiral” prototype with the modularity of the phone demonstrated by the ease in which the different modules are inserted into the base platform. The phone is then booted up in quick fashion and is shown to be running Android. Check out the video for a look at what may be the future of mobile phones, and stay tuned for more news on the development of this exciting technology.