Trails And Ways - Taj Mahal (Jorge Ben Cover)
Courtesy of Oakland collective Trails And Ways comes a great rendition of Jorge Ben’s 1976 hit “Taj
Courtesy of Oakland collective Trails And Ways comes a great rendition of Jorge Ben‘s 1976 hit “Taj Mahal.” The Bay Area band infuses a healthy dose of bass elements as well as an intricate vocal arrangement to the mix, which easily makes this refix a candidate for your latest playlist. Along with the remix, the band sends out following words:
“To honor and help give voice to real present-day South Asian folks and their love stories, we’re asking anybody who digs the song to check out and donate a bit to Trikone, a group founded in the Bay Area (and where some friends of ours have been involved) that provides a space, advocacy and support for LGBTQ South Asian folks.”