Skating China Like Never Before - "A Tale of Four Cities” by Charles Lanceplaine
Slow motion, skateboarding, superb cinematography and exciting locations. This is exactly what is
Slow motion, skateboarding, superb cinematography and exciting locations. This is exactly what is delivered in Charles Lanceplaine‘s most recent body of work “A Tale of Four Cities.” Featuring riders Jay Meador, Cyres Wong, Liu Jia Ming, Zhang Zi Yang and Timi McMeel, the video captures street skating at its best. Seen are some brag-able sets and clean combinations, but what is equally intriguing is the way each of the four cities are showcased. Not only do you get a look at the landscape of Guangzhou, Shanghai, Wuhan and Beijing, but the expressions of the local onlookers are beautifully brought out. Watch the video above for a better look at what it’s like to skate these four cities.