Banksy Gives New York Graffiti a Broadway Makeover
Four days into the American government ‘shutdown’ and just as many into “Better Out Than In,” here
Four days into the American government ‘shutdown’ and just as many into “Better Out Than In,” here we turn our attentions to English art superstar Banksy and his month-long installation across the streets of New York. The fourth release comes in a trio of stencils in Brooklyn and Manhattan. It seems as if existing messages reading “Dirty Underwear,” “Playground Mob” and “Occupy!” were garnished with a stencil reading “The Musical!” This ‘Broadway makeover’ looks like a funny take on how commodified meaningful occurrences can become in the modern day – how they become more entertaining rather than, say, catalyzing. Likely intentionally timed, look for these and other works from Banksy in New York throughout the month.