Go Wireless with Audio-Technica's ATH-CKS99BT Bluetooth Earbuds
High quality audio has been matched with the practicality and style of wireless listening devices
High quality audio has been matched with the practicality and style of wireless listening devices in the latest creation from Audio-Technica. The ATH-CKS99BT Earbuds use Bluetooth capability to deliver the functional appeal of wireless listening without having to compromise quality of the output. The Earbuds feature a built-in amp along with an apt-X codec to provide an authentic sound and are complete with 13 mm drivers for an all-round high-quality listening experience. Through use of these Bluetooth Earbuds you no longer have to accommodate the impracticality of long, tangled wires in order for you to enjoy your personal audio. The Earbuds are available at $345 USD.