New Wu-Tang Clan Album in the Works?
The RZA recently gave a sit down interview where he was inevitably asked about a followup to 8

The RZA recently gave a sit down interview where he was inevitably asked about a followup to 8 Diagrams, the last collaborative effort from hip-hop collective Wu-Tang Clan. Urging that they’ve spoken about it, and that 2012 is a distinct possibility for a release, he compares the moving parts and busy schedules to that of trying to make an independent film. Read below for the choice excerpt.
“Me and Ghostface talk about it a lot,” he said. “The other members are talking about it. We’ll see what life brings — let’s put it that way.
“To have an official Wu-Tang Clan album with everybody coming together, it’s never an easy task,” he continued. “It’s like an independent film or something, a lot of pieces that have to be put together. But I’m always up for that challenge, so I think it’ll happen again — someday.”