Polls: What Are Your Thoughts on Collaborations Between Fast Fashion and High Fashion Brands?
It’s been approximately 10 years since the very first fast fashion meets designer collaboration

It’s been approximately 10 years since the very first fast fashion meets designer collaboration courtesy of Target. In recent times and as more international brands focus their efforts, these sorts of marketing tools have become an almost expected approach for brands looking to maintain relevancy and of course enhance sales. The recent H&M and Versace collaboration perhaps best exhibited the power of engaging consumers and getting them to open up tightly bound wallets which has become a difficult act given the current economic climate.
As many small(er) design labels wrangle with the thought of collaborating with some of the world’s most ubiquitous fashion brands, the compensation numbers – currently on a meteoric rise – will make it difficult to say no. However, extending the opportunity to enjoy a bit of luxury and greater design on a more accessible level is something the masses will unlikely dismiss.
The poll will conclude on Wednesday, November 30 at 11 p.m. EST.
Photography: Jeremy Selwyn
What Are Your Thoughts on Collaborations Between Fast Fashion and High Fashion Brands?
- Good
- Bad