Neil Barrett Bow Ties
Por Vocacao puts us onto these new silk bow ties from designer Neil Barrett. Simple and
Por Vocacao puts us onto these new silk bow ties from designer Neil Barrett. Simple and to-the-point, the ties are offered in four different color choices, including white, grey, black, and charcoal. The retailer also breaks down the reason behind their interesting photoshoot below.
A dog’s life is not always easy, taking care of their masters or acting as guards, protecting the house and watching out for intruders. Therefore, if you want your dogs to remain faithful, you must treat them with respect and give them some gratification from time to time. That’s what we did with ours. Not being the usual guardian dogs, these Dalmatians always keep an eye on our backyard so, we decided to give each a Neil Barrett silk bow tie so they can feel a little special. Here’s the end result. They sure look conspicuous, don’t they?!…