It Takes Two: Humberto and Wes Anderson Talk Fantastic Mr. Fox
Opening Ceremony’s Humberto Leon caught up with Wes Anderson regarding the recently debuted
Opening Ceremony’s Humberto Leon caught up with Wes Anderson regarding the recently debuted Fantastic Mr. Fox, another notable movie based on a children’s book adaptation. Fantastic Mr. Fox features a cast of venerable stars including George Clooney and Meryl Streep with a storyline based on the wild, un-fatherly ways of Mr. Fox. The movie’s creation was done entirely in stop-motion with minauture figures which presented a special aesthetic to the overall process and execution. Through the interview, Wes Anderson touches on the process and some of the film’s details as well as showcasing some behind-the-scenes imagery. The movie has already debuted in Los Angeles and New York with a nation-wide roll-out set for the 20th of November.
HL: Making Fanstastic Mr. Fox must have been so fun, how did you start the process?
WA: I started by approaching the Dahl family about the book. They are very careful with these stories.
HL: The visuals in your films are always dynamic and fully thought out. Was it difficult to detail at this scale?
WA: In fact, it was very fun to work at this scale. You rarely get the chance to design your own trees and rivers!
HL: My favorite details in the film were the foxes on their tippy toes, and the movement of the fur. Were there any limitations working in stop motion?
WA: The limitations were with our budget! We had to be economical.
HL: Stop motion animations seem so fun to make. Did the actors get to interact with each other when you were recording the voices?
WA: Yes, we recorded them on a farm together in Connecticut; however, we often met again in various little rooms and booths around the world to record new lines and scenes.