Too Black Guys 2008 Fall "Merchants of Fear: The Beautiful Boogeyman" Collection
Too Black Guys has put together their 2008 fall collection “Merchants of Fear: The Beautiful
Too Black Guys has put together their 2008 fall collection “Merchants of Fear: The Beautiful Boogeyman” as their themes revolve around the political and media arena. Not content with the “world buying into media driven fear” which down the line benefits the political agenda of some, the theme translates into an abrasive series of designs. The designs include the Illegal Aliens tee (xenophobic tendencies in a horror movie graphic), the Health Care Scare tee (mindless drug-buying), the Axis of Evil tee (fear of weapons of mass destruction) and something relevant with the current negative light hip-hop has been portrayed with the Blame Hip Hop tee. If the model looks familiar, it’s none other then part-owner and fledgling hip-hop artist Diz Gibran. Look for the collection be available at
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