adidas Oddity
Here is the adidas Oddity series which include the models Questar, Rising Star and ZX8000. Why all the wacky and different colors? Here’s Crooked Tongues explanation: “When you are designing or retro-ing a model, the plans are sent out to the factory, the factory guys do their thing, and then the first design / shape prototypes come back for approval, etc. As they are pretty early versions, cost of production is kept to a minimum by allowing the factory to use whatever excess materials are laying about, and the results can be very interesting.” + Crooked Tongues
Here is the adidas Oddity series which include the models Questar, Rising Star and ZX8000. Why all the wacky and different colors? Here’s Crooked Tongues explanation:
“When you are designing or retro-ing a model, the plans are sent out to the factory, the factory guys do their thing, and then the first design / shape prototypes come back for approval, etc. As they are pretty early versions, cost of production is kept to a minimum by allowing the factory to use whatever excess materials are laying about, and the results can be very interesting.”
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