Watch This Breathtaking Film of Patagonia in 8K Resolution
Journey to one of the most far-flung corners of the globe in this spectacular video.
A vast, sparsely inhabited land encompassing the most southerly end of the South American continent, Patagonia may not be the most familiar of extreme travel destinations, but this does not mean it is any less splendid. Jutting from the steppes of this land are the southern Andes mountain range — a formidable sight of towering stone spires older than time, silhouetted against a crystal clear backdrop of the Milky Way and reflected in pristine blue lakes of glacier melt. These are just among some of the scenes captured in lifelike 8K resolution by Martin Heck, as he traveled 7,500km over six weeks from Buenos Aires, Argentina to Punta Arenas, Chile, taking 10,000 stills on a medium format camera in the process. Watch the video above in full-screen for a breathtaking documentation of one of the most far-flung places on Earth.