KFC's "Tray Typer" Offers Grease-Free Texting to Customers
We’ve all been there: freshly full after consuming more than your fair share of crispy chicken
We’ve all been there: freshly full after consuming more than your fair share of crispy chicken goodness for lunch, trying to assimilate back into normal work life. Your fingers leave an ugly, oily trail of your meal across your phone and tablet keyboards. In a stroke of (admittedly first-world) office class genius, KFC rolls out the Tray Typer to help eliminate this conundrum: a super-thin, rechargeable keyboard that connects with your phone or tablet to allow you to work without messing up your screen. The Tray Typer is a part of the brand’s advertising campaign in Germany, but its importance is enough such that the Bluetooth-powered device could set the precedent for fast food companies moving forward. Check out photos of the keyboard above and cross those greasy fingers for a stateside release.