
Leaked File Shows the Thousands of Artists Midjourney Has Allegedly Used to Train Its AI Models

Leaked File Shows the Thousands of Artists Midjourney Has Allegedly Used to Train Its AI Models

Names include Yayoi Kusama, Damien Hirst, Andy Warhol, and even a six-year-old child.

Channeling the (Al)gorithm: A Conversation with Jesse Damiani

Channeling the (Al)gorithm: A Conversation with Jesse Damiani

As the line between human and machine continue to blur, we discuss the future of art and AI.

Berlin-based Ulises Design Studio Reimagines the Caravan

Berlin-based Ulises Design Studio Reimagines the Caravan

Using AI tool Midjourney.

AI, the Alphabet and Art History Converge in New Book

AI, the Alphabet and Art History Converge in New Book

Published by designers Martín Azambuja and Andrea Trabucco-Campos.

Girl with AI Earrings?

Girl with AI Earrings?

The Hague’s Mauritshuis museum has sparked controversy with its latest work on view.

Artists Angered As AI-Generated Art Wins First Place

Artists Angered As AI-Generated Art Wins First Place

Opening the “human vs AI” illustration discussion.


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