Gao Hang

The Rise of Video Game Graphics in Contemporary Art

The Rise of Video Game Graphics in Contemporary Art

Exploring how this movement is reshaping the art world through the works of Gao Hang, Jon Rafman and more.

Hypeart Visits: Are We in a Simulation? Gao Hang Thinks So

Hypeart Visits: Are We in a Simulation? Gao Hang Thinks So

The Houston-based artist takes us down the rabbit hole to discuss his practice and whether a higher intelligence is controlling us as we speak.

Gao Hang Releases 'It's Getting Serious' Silkscreen Print

Gao Hang Releases 'It's Getting Serious' Silkscreen Print

Produced in collaboration with Exhibition A.

Gao Hang Presents 'My Bad Ideas' at Pulpo Gallery

Gao Hang Presents 'My Bad Ideas' at Pulpo Gallery

On view in Germany until October 29.

Gao Hang’s “Sofa Kit” Is a Reflection on Early Video Game Graphics

Gao Hang’s “Sofa Kit” Is a Reflection on Early Video Game Graphics

The solo exhibition is on view at L21 Gallery.

Enter L21’s Video Game-Inspired Group Exhibition “Brick Games”

Enter L21’s Video Game-Inspired Group Exhibition “Brick Games”

Featuring the work of Gao Hang, Felix Treadwell and many more.

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