
Chipotle Begins Accepting Cryptocurrency Payments in the US
Food & Beverage

Chipotle Begins Accepting Cryptocurrency Payments in the US

In partnership with Flexa.

Watch This Iron Chef Turn Chipotle Into a Gourmet Meal
Food & Beverage

Watch This Iron Chef Turn Chipotle Into a Gourmet Meal

After reimagining Domino’s pizzas.

Behold Chipotle's Cilantro Soap
Food & Beverage

Behold Chipotle's Cilantro Soap

For cilantro lovers and haters alike.

Carhartt Teams Up With Chipotle for Farm-Friendly Apparel

Carhartt Teams Up With Chipotle for Farm-Friendly Apparel

Featuring several classic workwear pieces remixed with Chipotle iconography.

Chipotle Is Testing Its Latest Pollo Asado Menu Item
Food & Beverage

Chipotle Is Testing Its Latest Pollo Asado Menu Item

In 95 locations around Cincinnati and Sacramento.

Chipotle Adds Smoked Brisket to Its Limited-Time Menu
Food & Beverage

Chipotle Adds Smoked Brisket to Its Limited-Time Menu

Seasoned with Mexican spices and topped off with a smoky chili pepper brisket sauce.

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