Never one to do something in traditional fashion, Mr. Brainwash has announced his largest and most
Shortly after the opening of MOCA’s “Art in the Streets” exhibition last month, Los
On the heels of a well-publicized spat between Robbo and Banksy, TrustoCorp is the latest to
The controversial documentarian turned artist MR. Brainwash launched a massively hyped pop art
While his original intentions were to document the world of graffiti, over this 9 year period, slowly but surely Mr. Brainwash went from careful observer to participant. Trading in his camera for stickers, he has gone full blown from his first works which included hand drawn stickers to giant billboard sized paste-ups turning him into a prolific Cali street artist. Much like popular cultural commentators of our time, Mr. Brainwash turns iconic pieces into his own statements. In his first exhibition “The Life is Beautiful”, Mr. Brainwash will showcase 300 paintings, sculptures and prints including an installation including 100,000 pairs of shoes.
Life is Beautiful Opening Reception
Wednesday, June 18th
7:00 pm
CBS Studios
Sunset and Gower, Hollywood.