Capcom Announces 'Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection'
“MegaMan.EXE, transmit!”
During the recent Nintendo Direct Mini: Partner Showcase, Capcom announced the release of Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection, a collection of the Mega Man Battle Network titles for the Gameboy Advance. Set to release in 2023, the compilation will be available for the Nintendo Switch, Sony Playstation 4 and PC via Steam.
Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection will be offered in a physical edition and digitally in two separate volumes.
The collection features 10 games (including alternate versions): Mega Man Battle Network, Mega Man Battle Network 2, Mega Man Battle Network 3: Blue/White, Mega Man Battle Network 4: Red Sun/Blue Moon, Mega Man Battle Network 5: Team Protoman/Team Colonel, and Mega Man Battle Network 6: Cybeast Gregar/Cybeast Falzar. Special features included with the Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection include a high-resolution filter, art gallery, and music player.
The Mega Man Battle Network introduced in 2001 chronicles an alternate continuity where computers and networking technology serves as the main focus of scientific advancement. Players control Lan Hikari and his NetNavi, MegaMan.EXE, to stop a net-crime organization called WWW (World Three) through battles on a 6×3 grid, selecting “Battle Chips” for more powerful attacks.
Watch the announcement trailer for Capcom’s Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection releasing sometime in 2023 above.
For more gaming news, Heroes of Newerth has officially shut down.