Japanese Toy Company Challenges Players With a Rubik’s Cube That’s “Impossible” To Beat
With tiles that change color depending on the angle.
While some may struggle to solve a Rubik’s Cube, others have mastered the art of it. For the latter group of individuals, MegaHouse, a subsidiary of Bandai Namco, has issued a new toy to challenge their skills.
MegaHouse sought to figure out how to make the Rubik’s Cube more difficult without fundamentally changing its design. With its new invention, the Rubik’s Impossible, the toy appears like the original version, but each of its iridescent square tiles changes color depending on the angle it’s viewed from. Just when a player thinks they’ve mastered it, a fresh angle reveals that there’s still more work to be done.
For those unfamiliar with the challenge of Rubik’s Cubes, the original version has 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 different combinations and only one solution. The Rubik’s Impossible is even more difficult.
To help players along, Rubik’s has put out an official solution guide to beating the Rubik’s Impossible. In the above video, MegaHouse challenged two experts, who can solves a regular Rubik’s Cube in about a minute, to try out the Rubik’s Impossible, according to SoraNews24. One gave up entirely, and the other took about three hours to finish the Impossible.
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