Tune Into the Weekly HYPETRAK Playlist on Apple Music
Our long-running series gets revamped for your convenience.

For over two years, we curated Playlists via SoundCloud that highlight the week’s best and most engaging new songs. Today, we are proud to announce that HYPEBEAST has officially teamed up with Apple Music to continue our long-running series. We at HYPETRAK and our sister site HYPEBAE are also providing our own respective playlist curation for our audience.
As a music-centric blog, on of our biggest missions is to consistently deliver a thorough selection of the latest music. Playlists serve as an easy discovery or revisitation tool for missed out content, and help us connect with our readers on a more personal and practical level.
In the past, we aimed to share all types of music regardless of its genre, popularity, and/or the demographic it appeals to. Our Apple Music playlists are now divided into three subcategories: HYPEBEAST provides the most current and hyped up music, HYPEBAE will spotlight sounds devoted to their female following; and HYPETRAK will feature lesser-known gems for the real music aficionados, highlighting new artists to add to our reader’s collection.
Give the inaugural HYPETRAK Apple Music Playlist a listen below and visit applemusic.com/hypebeast to give our HYPEBEAST, HYPEBAE and other specially curated playlists some spins.