How Kanye West Made His Most Influential Auto-Tune Album, '808s & Heartbreak'
Why he chose to juxtapose Taiko drums and monk choirs with auto-tune.
Today, Kanye West is known for the eclectic artistry found on his albums, but when ‘Ye first released 808s & Heartbreak, many questioned his experimentation. Looking to understand the auto-tuned album, YouTube channel Noisy Images recently took an in-depth look at the creation and context behind West’s most influential album.
Released in 2008, 808s & Heartbreak is an expression of West’s endurance through personal tragedies and struggles, as his adversities sparked an artistic awakening within him. The video outlines how West’s urge to create pushed him to develop his now signature eclecticism and penchant for experimentation and collaboration. Additionally, it explores why West chose to use auto-tune for its robotic nature and how he reacted to critics that scoffed at him singing on his album.
After watching the video above, check out why and how Kanye West made his groundbreaking and divisive album, Yeezus.