Watch How Deadly Electrified Wolverine Claws Are
They aren’t made of adamantium though.
Known for taking fictional ideas from movies, video games and comics, and making them real, YouTube channel The Hacksmith recently built Wolverine claws to create a sparking effect better than the CGI effects seen in the X-Men films. The Hacksmith took nickel-plated high carbon steel claws and hooked them up to a car battery to create the sparking effect. The car battery short circuits when the positively charged claw comes in contact with the negatively charged claw creating sparks. Although the sparks can draw anywhere from 200-300 amps and can cut through metal, the wearer is actually quite safe from harm, as human skin is relatively resistant to direct current voltage. However, if the claws punctured skin, they could cause electrocution and multiple stab wounds.
Watch the electrified Wolverine claws cut through metal above and head here to see just how Hugh Jackman channels his inner Wolverine during audio recording sessions.