Essentials: Thom Bettridge, Managing Editor of '032c'
The NYC to Berlin transplant has a strict no-computer rule while traveling.
032c is a contemporary culture magazine hailing from Berlin. Founded by Joerg Koch, the print is celebrated for its intellectual, analytical and timeless approach to art, design, culture and fashion. Although published only twice a year, 032c has established itself as a top name in the publishing industry, garnering acclaim from such titles as The Business of Fashion and The New York Times. Having been at the print tome for two years, Thom Bettridge serves as its managing editor, overseeing all the stories that come through while ensuring that the magazine continues to maintain its unparalleled level of quality. With a shrewd eye for detail and a curious mind, we caught up with the New York City native during his first trip to Hong Kong.
Bettridge’s most important essential while traveling is his iPad. He never brings a laptop on his travels in an effort avoid working too much while on the road, allowing him to fully immerse himself in the city. Aside from the tablet, Bettridge always has his Olympus voice recorder on him — an absolute necessity for any journalist. However, he maintains that the first thing he threw into his bag while packing 30 minutes before his departure time was his sleeping mask — in a bold leopard print no less. Aside from these items, Thom keeps it simple with his notebook, a few Krink markers and The Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann. He also likes to keep it functional, and is enamored with the idea of looking like a cyborg or robot — hence his reflective Oakley shades and Bluetooth earphones. When asked about his cracked iPhone, Bettridge says matter-of-factly, “it really makes you see everything a little differently.” Check out Thom’s Essentials above and learn more about 032c here.