Watch Boston Dynamics Bully Its New Atlas Robot
The Singularity is nigh.
You may already know Boston Dynamics for its robot quadrupeds, Spot and WildCat, which they love to test with treadmills and well-placed kicks. Now the robotics lab is working on the next generation of Atlas: a sophisticated, two-legged robot. Designed to maneuver indoor workspaces as well as outdoor environments, Atlas’ sensors help it balance, avoid obstacles and navigate while improved dexterity also grants Atlas the capability to perform simple manual labor tasks… for now, at least.
But never fear, it wouldn’t be a Boston Dynamics test-run without a little cyber-bullying. Watch as Atlas gets jabbed with hockey sticks and rudely shoved from behind before hoisting itself back onto its legs and walking out on the test altogether. Right. How could that possibly be a bad idea?