The Wall House by FARM Architects Overlooks Singapore Skyline
Envisioned by innovative cross disciplinary design practise, FARM, named in accordance with their

Envisioned by innovative cross disciplinary design practise, FARM, named in accordance with their mission to “cultivate a culture of imagination,” comes the The Wall House in Singapore. Designed as a residential living space, The Wall House comprises of two volumes that are wholly separate in their purpose and design, yet come together to form a coherent whole. Being built on top of a sprawling, multi-level landscape, the house has been designed as a response to its surroundings and encompasses the wishes of both its residents and the organically shaped ground on which it sits. Although built separately at varying levels, both volumes can be accessed through a central courtyard that is constructed around an organically designed oculus which borrows views from the building’s various cutouts and vistas.