1,600 Panda World Tour Coming to Hong Kong
Threatened by human expansion, a limited diet, and low birthrates, the giant panda has long been

Threatened by human expansion, a limited diet, and low birthrates, the giant panda has long been classified as an endangered species with estimates as low as fewer than 1,600 living in the wild. To raise awareness for this tragic circumstance, French artist Paulo Grangeon in collaboration with the WWF, PMQ and creative studio AllRightsReserved, began placing 1,600 papier-mache pandas in various cities around the world including Paris, Berlin, Rome and Taipei. This summer however, the pack will appear outside 10 Hong Kong landmarks from the Hong Kong International Airport to the Giant Tian Tan Buddha statue. What’s more is that Grangeon will create four special edition pandas from recycled materials to go on display at PMQ to further promote the cause. Be on the lookout for more images once the HK leg of the tour goes live in June.