Mysterious Unknown Producer "Z" Revealed As California-based "ZHU"
It was only a few weeks ago that a mysterious new producer unleashed an Outkast mash-up that sent
It was only a few weeks ago that a mysterious new producer unleashed an Outkast mash-up that sent the internet on a musical detective hunt, and just two weeks ago that we got our second musical teaser with the mysterious artist’s other track “Superfriends,” which drew comparisons to everyone from the likes of Disclosure to Duke Dumont. Thanks to the keen eye of Joel McRae and our friends over at DoAndroidsDance, it has since been revealed that the mysterious producer is actually Steven Zhu: a California native who has always produced under the name “ZHU,” but since the release of his Outkast mash-up, has wiped his social media accounts and web presence clean. The “ZHU” reveal was made a few weeks back when the website was discovered, alongside its offering of a 30-second teaser video which was temporarily removed. Now the above teaser is back again and the link is still live, with an option to sign up your e-mail for (what we assume is) a mailing list. Listen to the teaser above and keep an eye out for more from ZHU.