HYPEBEAST Spaces: Hawaiian Airlines Headquarters
During our recent trip to Hawaii for POW! WOW! 2014, we visited the Hawaiian Airlines Headquarters

During our recent trip to Hawaii for POW! WOW! 2014, we visited the Hawaiian Airlines Headquarters for our latest Spaces and felt the festival spirit extend further than the parameters of Kakaako. Amid these spacious office quarters sits The Local Colors Gallery, a space curated by POW! WOW! and exhibits artwork from different local artists every other month. Standout pieces include a multicolored map of the world painted by Kamea Hadar while unique installations take on the winding hallways. For food and refreshments, LunchBox provides flavorful Hawaiian dishes served by Chef Mark “Gooch” Noguchi. The spacious restaurant extends onto an attractive terrace and complements the concept of an “open office,” which management put in place to increase greater communication among fellow coworkers. “The layout shows that no one at the company is intrinsically better than anyone else” says President and CEO Mark Dunkerley, who has the same desk and technology to work with as other employees. Located just outside of Honolulu International Airport, Hawaiian Airlines enlisted Zimmer Gunsul Frasca Architects to create a simple and minimalist interior, where extended lights and beatnik artwork complement the company’s aloha feel.