The Backstage Meals of Beyoncé, Axl Rose, Lady Gaga, Frank Sinatra and More
If you’ve ever wondered what some of the music world’s biggest stars fight tooth and nail to get

If you’ve ever wondered what some of the music world’s biggest stars fight tooth and nail to get included in their riders (attachments that include amendments to contracts), Henry Hargreave of VICE has your answers. In particular, he has looked at length into what celebrities request in their riders, but with some of the demands climbing to the point of being ridiculous, he instead chose to photograph a sample of them in a very tongue-in-cheek Baroque still-life style. While Cristal Champagne with bendy straws for Mariah Carey and 24 de-thorned long-stem red roses for Al Green might seem understandable, Marilyn Manson’s craving for gummy bears and the Foo Fighters’ request for enormous kielbasas might leave a few people shaking or scratching their heads. Check out the full piece over at VICE.