Danny Brown Speaks on 'Danny Johnson' Album
After releasing the tune “Changes” a few weeks ago, fans were really excited to see what else would
After releasing the tune “Changes” a few weeks ago, fans were really excited to see what else would be in store from the unique combination of Detroit emcee Danny Brown and Left Coast production duo Johnson&Jonson, consisting of Blu and Mainframe. Clearing the air in regards to the album, Danny took to the Bruiser Brigade Tumblr page, and revealed that the project was already released.
The Danny Johnson album was actually released back in 2010 under the name Its A Art and has been available on the web for free since then. Don’t be mistaken, none of these releases are new material but I guess if you haven’t heard it its new to you. Enjoy!
Brown also went on to provide a link to his 2010 effort Its A Art, which you can grab now by clicking here.