PSY's "Gangnam Style" Beats Justin Bieber's YouTube Record
After setting the record for “Most Likes on YouTube” with 2,141,758, South Korean
After setting the record for “Most Likes on YouTube” with 2,141,758, South Korean pop-star PSY has now taken down another massive record with his sensational viral video for “Gangnam Style,” as it has now surpassed Justin Bieber‘s video for “Baby” and become the most-watched video ever on YouTube. Gathering nearly 815 million views since it was posted on July 15, 2012, PSY’s viral clip moves past the Biebs’ video, which has collected 803 million views since its posting in February 2010. “Gangnam Style” has sold more than 4 million copies around the globe, and also landed the K-pop star the first UK No. 1 single. Rumors are now circulating that Bieber’s management company has reached out to PSY, and have has said the pair will work on a song together. Feel free to participate to the addition of his latest accomplishment by checking out the video again up above.