Male models: from subway to runway
“I was staying with these Canadians; they were like animals. They destroyed all the furniture,
“I was staying with these Canadians; they were like animals. They destroyed all the furniture, they were throwing chairs and beer bottles out of the window from the fourth floor onto cars — one guy [relieved himself] in the oven.”
In a situation which I’m sure is comparable to dispensable male porn-stars (maybe dispensable is overly strong) versus their more pampered and better received female counterparts, the LA Times documents the life of a male model through the assumed but non-existent glamors that accompany the job. As a 21-year old Russian-born model, Matvey Lykov has already become a marquee model having worked for numerous high-profile brands. Yet the Male models: from subway to runway feature tells of the difficulties that often accompany the job. While female models often ride with drivers, the male models are often left to fend for themselves and relegated to the likes of the subway. In addition, it seems you get a group of male models together and you’re in for what sounds like an out of control frat party to which Lykov gives several examples. Sizing up his pay, at the end of the year, Lykov can expect to walk away with less than $40,000 USD for his troubles, not bad, but definitely not good considering his visibility and work with much of the world’s expensive fashion labels. You can read the article in its entirety over at